How can you shorten the duration of a cold?
A cold is usually one thing: annoying. Nothing more ardent than to end the cold as quickly as possible is usually the desire of the sick.
But first and foremost, it is not the pathogens themselves that can be eliminated, but primarily the symptoms are treated, which ensures that one does not feel so weak and listless.
The common cold is usually caused by viral pathogens. The body's immune system must fight and eliminate these viruses. The best way to support your body is to help yourself physically gentle and tried that Reduce stress levels.
How long does a cold usually last?
It is difficult to give a general answer to this question. In the vernacular there is often the saying "The illness comes three days, the illness remains for three days, the illness goes three days " in front. This statement can be used as a very rough guide. In reality, however, the duration of the illness depends on many factors - but mainly on the pathogen that causes the cold and the patient's immune system - i.e. the extent to which his immune system can cope with illnesses.Problems in this matter are most likely to arise in young children, old people, and people with innate or acquired immunodeficiencies.
As a rule, the main symptoms of a cold, such as fatigue and exhaustion and possibly the fever, should be gone after seven to ten days. More unspecific symptoms such as a cough or runny nose can also drag on over a longer period of time.
Please also read: The duration of a cold
These drugs shorten the common cold
From a medical point of view there are few drugs that can really shorten the duration of a cold. Rather, it is the symptoms that can be treated with medication or home remedies.
Typically, a sore throat, cough, congested sinuses, and headache and body aches are symptoms of a cold.
Expectorant products such as the Acetylcysteine (Trade name: ACC®) can be used. However, it is much easier to simply inhale in order to liquefy the usually viscous mucus with the help of the water vapor and thus cough it up better.
Learn more about this under: Inhalation if you have a cold
For throat and headache, anti-inflammatory pain relievers such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin® are used. If there is no inflammation in addition to the pain, there can also be Paracetamol can be used. With all painkillers, however, it should always be remembered that if they are consumed regularly, they can lead to gastrointestinal injuries and can stress the kidneys and liver.
The blocked sinuses can be treated with both nasal sprays and a so-called nasal douche. Nasal sprays cause the mucous membrane to swell so that the secretion of the sinuses can drain away more easily. A nasal douche helps to wash out the secretion, so it is best to use both agents in combination.
Also read: How can you prevent a cold?
Aspirin®, which contains acetylsalicylic acid as its active ingredient, is primarily known as a pain reliever in the minds of most people.
But it is also often used to thin the blood in known coronary diseases of the heart. In addition, Aspirin® also has an anti-inflammatory and anti-fever effect. All of these effects are based on the mechanism of action of acetylsalicylic acid: preventing the formation of so-called inflammation mediators.
Aspirin® is offered in the pharmacy as a combination preparation to relieve the symptoms of a cold so that the sick person feels more comfortable.
As has probably already been suggested many times, antibiotics are only effective if the underlying pathogen is a bacterium. Only bacteria can be fought by antibiotics.
However, viruses are often the cause of common colds. In general, if you have a mild illness such as a cold, you try to avoid medication as much as possible. Medication can only be indicated for immunocompromised patients, the elderly and young children.
If the common cold cannot be controlled with this either, a more detailed examination of the blood can provide information about whether the underlying pathogen is a bacterium. Only then is the administration of antibiotics justified in the event of a cold.
Read more under: When do you need antibiotics for a cold?
These home remedies will shorten the common cold
As already mentioned above, home remedies are very important in the treatment of cold symptoms and have often been in use for several centuries. In contrast to medication, home remedies usually have very few side effects and are inexpensive. Although its effect is usually not as drastically noticeable as drug treatment, it can also be gentler on the body.
The knowledge about helpful home remedies can be read in books as well as in various Internet forums. Most general practitioners recommend using home remedies when “treating” a harmless cold and using medication only as a support.
To name just a few home remedies:
- onion
- chamomile
- ginger
- honey
- Salt water
- Eucalyptus oil
and a few more.
However, home remedies should only be used for mild symptoms. If the symptoms worsen, a doctor should be consulted to assess the situation and, if necessary, to prescribe conventional medical drugs.
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- The cold bath
- Naturopathy for a cold
The ingestion of zinc has a positive effect on the course of a cold, which has been proven in studies. It serves to kill the viruses and thereby support the body's immune system.
According to a scientific paper, taking 75mg of zinc within the first day of a cold helped to shorten the duration of the illness.
However, zinc can cause nausea - in some cases even vomiting. Long-term intake of zinc in too high a concentration also damages the immune system in the long term.
Salt water flush
The salt water is based on the natural concentration ratio of our body fluids.
Here, too, there are dissolved salts in the water, which are indispensable for the normal function of the human body. Compared with normal tap water, this saline solution has the advantage that it does not result in the areas treated with it drying out. Salt water solutions can be used both for inhalation and as a rinsing solution for a so-called nasal douche. Also gargle with salt water - alternatively chamomile tea has a mild pain-relieving effect on sore throats.
Read more about this: Gargle with salt water - that's how it's done!
The onion contains anti-inflammatory substances, but they work through a different mechanism, such as Aspirin® or ibuprofen do. The onion can either be placed locally diced or boiled in water to make an onion stock. This brew can then either be applied locally as a liquid or drunk.
Often the onion is used for colds to relieve accompanying symptoms such as ear or sore throat.
You may also be interested in this topic: Home remedies for a cold
Garlic is also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect.
In addition, it is traded as a natural means of killing viruses and bacteria - similar to zinc. The garlic should also be processed as finely as possible in order to develop its optimal effect. As a rule, the garlic is mixed with other ingredients to make a paste or tea, which can then be eaten or drunk.
Like the other two bulbs, ginger is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Its hot substances also help to heat up the body from the inside out and, as a reflex, to promote blood circulation. In addition, ginger contains a large number of vitamins that have a positive effect on the healing process by helping to bind so-called free radicals.
Due to the increased blood flow, ginger also has an expectorant and pain reliever in the throat area, as the inflammation mediators that cause pain can be removed more quickly by the blood.
Read more about this under: Cold tea - how do I best make it myself?
Esberitox is an over-the-counter cold preparation from the pharmacy based on plants. It contains extracts from the tree of life, coneflower and dye pod. In addition to stimulating the immune system, the agent should also have a direct antiviral effect, similar to zinc. The manufacturer advertises at least with the promise to both shorten the common cold and alleviate the accompanying symptoms.
However, to what extent the preparation really keeps what it promises, each user has to judge for himself.
Does a sauna help to shorten the duration of a cold?
A sauna session is said to have a beneficial effect on ending a cold. The warm sauna air increases the core body temperature, which is roughly equivalent to a fever. The body's defense system works more effectively at these slightly increased temperatures, whereas the viral pathogens are more likely to be inhibited in their function by the high temperatures.
A visit to the sauna is not recommended for people who already have a fever. This would put the body under too much stress, which has the opposite effect - the duration of the cold would lengthen.
Read also: Colds and saunas - what to watch out for