Zinc in the human body


Zinc is a essential nutrient, that means it cannot be produced by the human body itself. It must therefore be taken in with food. It's about a Trace element and therefore only occurs in small amounts in the body. The daily intake is only around 10 mg. Nevertheless, zinc is essential for health and metabolism and fulfills numerous tasks in the human body.


Zinc is a so-called Coenzyme, a helper for the enzymes in the body. It's for this and that correct sequence from Metabolic processes indispensable in the body. Without the presence of zinc, the enzymes cannot work properly and the body's natural functions come to a standstill.

Zinc even plays an important role at the level of DNA, the human genome. Complexes of proteins and zinc regulate the processes that ultimately lead to the build-up or breakdown of body components. The metabolic processes that run correctly with the help of zinc include, among others Metabolism of nutrients: Of the fat-, protein- and Carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the detoxification and the Breakdown of alcohol depend on zinc.

Also for that Insulin metabolism zinc is significant. Zinc is an important element in immune system and for the body's defenses and supports the fight against infections. It also protects the body from harmful substances such as alcohol, UV radiation and smoke.

It has a significant share in the synthesis and in Metabolism of hormoneslike thyroid or sex hormones.

Zinc is an important trace element for health and Skin wound healing, for the Resilience of bones and nails and for the health of Scalp and Hair.

Besides, it is for the human sense organs, especially for them Eyesight, an important nutrient.

general tasks

Due to its involvement in almost every important metabolic process, zinc has numerous tasks in the organism. Although it occurs only in small amounts, its importance for the health of the human body can be seen especially in the case of a zinc deficiency and its symptoms.

In addition, zinc is not only responsible for physical health, it also seems to have a part in it mental wellbeing and stabilizing positive mood. zinc supported the immune system and helps protect against infections with viruses, bacteria and parasites. It makes for one healthy skin, full and strong hair such as strong fingernails and toenails.

The Healing of wounds is also supported by zinc. Due to its occurrence in the retina and its role in the Vitamin A Metabolism, the vitamin of the visual process, it is essential for vision. In particular, zinc seems to help regulate adaptation processes, i.e. getting used to twilight.

Zinc binds and stores in the insulin metabolism insulinwhich is even used therapeutically with oral insulin preparations. It is also important for the metabolism of all three food components: fat, protein and carbohydrates. Zinc also keeps the hormonal balance in balance

Zinc's role in pimples

Pimples up to the full size of the acne are a possible symptom of zinc deficiency. The trace element is significantly involved in the cornification process of the skin and in the production of keratin. Zinc also plays an important role in the skin's lipid metabolism. In the case of disorders, blockages and inflammation of the sebum glands can occur, which leads to pimples.

Influence of zinc on hair growth

The trace element is involved in the formation of keratin, an important part of the skin, hair and nails. It plays an important role in the formation of a firm, resilient hair structure, and in anchoring the hair in the scalp. In addition, zinc plays an important role in the immune system and protects against inflammation that can damage the skin and the hair roots. A zinc deficiency is therefore often expressed in brittle, split hair, and in some cases it can even lead to hair loss.

Zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency is a phenomenon that is usually caused by a Malnutrition or one bad Food utilization is caused. Since zinc takes on a variety of tasks in the body, many different symptoms are apparent when there is a zinc deficiency.

Diagnostically, for example via Blood tests, it is difficult to determine a zinc deficiency. In addition, the symptoms that occur are very unspecific. A zinc deficiency can therefore go undetected for a long time. A moderate zinc deficiency should first be about the intake zinc-containing foods balance, besides it is also possible in the form of zinc Tablets or Capsules to take in.

Possible symptoms of zinc deficiency include numerous skin appearances such as acne, Pimples, Dandruff, Skin fungi, Pustules and Redness. The health of nails and hair is also often affected, and zinc deficiency can even lead to it Hair loss to lead.

A zinc deficiency can affect the various sensory organs; changes in vision at night often occur. As a result of hormonal disorders in the context of a zinc deficiency, among other things, the libido, power and fertility.

Chronic zinc deficiency can occur in children and adolescents Stunted growth to lead. Since zinc is important for the function of the immune system, there can be an increase in zinc deficiency flu-like infections or one poor wound healing occur.

Aside from the physical symptoms, zinc deficiency can also occur fatigue, Difficulty concentrating and a decreased performance cause. Some patients also suffer from depressive moods and severe mood swings.

Zinc tablets

A balanced diet that includes the consumption of foods that contain zinc is usually sufficient to get the recommended daily amount of zinc. Zinc is not only found in animal products, but also in a large number of herbal products. A zinc deficiency should first be compensated for with food. Some people with metabolic diseases like diabetes or Liver disease, as well as people with cancer or who are artificially fed, cannot get enough zinc.

Here there is the possibility to support sufficient zinc intake with the help of tablets. Zinc tablets are available in pharmacies and drug stores. The problem with this is that it is not standardized Zinc supplements and zinc can sometimes be overdosed.

A Overdose zinc can lead to gastrointestinal complaints, and zinc interacts with other drugs and can reduce their effect or increase side effects. A supply of zinc via tablets should be discussed with the doctor, and the recommended maximum daily intake should not be exceeded

Zinc glue bandage

A zinc glue bandage is one Compression bandage for injured limbs and joints. Tight or elastic bandages are coated with a glue made of zinc oxide, water and binding agent and wrapped tightly around the affected injury. The bandage has a cooling and decongestant effect.

Zinc glue bandages are used Sprains, Bruises, Bruises and other injuries associated with swelling. The patient can put a bandage on himself or have himself put on; a doctor should be consulted if the injuries are worse. After the swelling has subsided, the bandage should be changed and renewed regularly until it has completely healed. If the swelling does not go down, severe pain or redness persists, a doctor should be consulted

Zinc spray

In the Veterinary medicine there is also the option of using the active ingredient zinc oxide as a spray for wound care. In addition to zinc oxide, zinc sprays contain other substances that support wound healing and soothe irritated skin. It can be used on dogs, cats and horses. The use of zinc spray in human medicine is not common.

Which foods is zinc in?


Zinc content (given in mg per 100g of food)



Calf liver


Pork liver


Turkey breast






Soybeans, dried


Lentils, dried


Gouda cheese, 45% fat in dry matter


Emmentaler, 45% fat i. Tr.




Oatmeal (whole grain)


Pumpkin seeds


Flaxseed, unpeeled


Brazil nuts


What happens if you overdose on zinc?

An intake of more than 20 mg zinc per day in tablet form is not necessary with a balanced diet and consumption of foods containing zinc and can even be harmful. Long-term overdose can lead to Disorder of iron- and Copper household because the uptake of zinc interferes with the uptake and availability of iron and copper. Zinc can also reduce the absorption of certain drugs such as Antibiotics to reduce. Long-term overdosing of zinc can impair the immune function and lead to a disruption of the fat metabolism. Acute intoxication, i.e. poisoning with zinc, only occurs with very high doses of zinc (200-400mg) and manifests itself through nausea, Vomit, Stomach cramps, diarrhea and Pain.

Zinc ointment / zinc cream

Medical Zinc ointment is in the Treatment of wounds used. The active ingredient zinc oxide supports healing and soothes irritated skin. It is mainly used on itchy and weeping wounds, as well as on the wound edges. Weeping wounds in particular benefit from this drying effect the zinc ointment. Some ointments also have an additional active ingredient, such as cod liver oil containing vitamin A. The oil also supports the regeneration of the skin.

Zinc ointments or creams can also be used for chronic skin diseases, including chronic rashes or acne. Zinc ointment works disinfectant and anti-inflammatory. In addition, it influences the skin's lipid metabolism, which can be a desirable effect in acne. With dry skin you should refrain from using zinc creams, as they also dry out the skin.

Daily zinc requirement

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends an intake of 15 mg zinc per day for adults and male adolescents from the age of 15, for women the recommendation is 7 mg per day. Infants younger than 4 months should ingest 1 mg, between 4 and 12 months 2 mg per day. Children between the ages of 1 and 10 should consume between 3 and 7 mg of zinc per day.

Zinc in pregnancy

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends that pregnant women consume 10 mg of zinc per day, and nursing mothers should even consume 11 mg.