Symptoms of dry eyes
The most common symptoms that show dry eyes are:
- Feeling of dryness
- Foreign body sensation
- Grain of sand feeling
- Eye fatigue
- Burning eyes
- Redness of the eyes
- Photosensitivity
- Limited wearing comfort of contact lenses
- watery eyes
- Eye pain
About everyone fifth patientAn ophthalmologist treated in Germany, Austria and Switzerland complains about the Symptoms how Grain of sand-/Feeling of dryness in mind, about Eye fatigue, Burning eyes or watery eyes.
The diagnosis "dry eyes“Can then quickly from Ophthalmologist and the complaints are now also known in the pharmacy, as the dry eye can now be counted among the common ailments due to its diverse causes.
A distinction is made between the dry, the irritated and the allergic eyeThe symptoms are very similar, but the cause is different.
At the irritated eye However, the symptoms only occur in comparison to dry eyes acute and short term on.
At the allergic eye it depends on the Allergens, such as Pollen or Animal hair, to seasonal or year-round complaints. The nose is usually affected and the eyes (and nose) are treated with anti-allergic drugs (Antihistamines called).
The irritated eye however is with vasoconstricting eye drops treated ("Whitener“), Which in the classic dry eyes to a Worsening of symptoms would lead.
It is therefore important that the exact reasons for dry eyes and complaints be clarified by the ophthalmologist so that a targeted therapy can be done.
The tear film - benefit
Apart from the pleasant relaxing feeling and that easier gliding of the Eyelids over the eye, he has Tear film many additional tasks that explain why it is so important that a dry eye is identified and treated as quickly as possible before it closes chronic damage at the Cornea can come.
Tasks of the tear film
- Moisturizing the cornea
- Humidification of the conjunctiva
- Supply of oxygen
- Supply of nutrients
- Defense against bacteria and Viruses by the enzymes and antibodies it contains
- Flushing out dust and other foreign bodies
Composition of the tear film
Of the Tear film is made up of one mucous, one watery and one fatty portion together.
The mucous component is in directly on the Surface of the eye and equals by their consistency small bumps on the cornea and conjunctiva out. In addition, she ensures that the otherwise water-repellent surface the cornea water-attracting in order to make the adjacent aqueous portion of the tear film adherent to the cornea.
The aqueous component is the greatest proportion of the Tear fluid and contains Enzymes, Egg whites and antibody.
The whole outer, fatty component the tear fluid preventedthat from Tear film evaporated too much or runs down over the edge of the eyelid.
The various parts of the tear film are formed in the large lacrimal gland below the outer eyebrow arch and in numerous small glands around the edge of the eyelid and the conjunctiva.
Related topics
- Dry eyes
- Dry eyes - what to do?
- Dry eyes in the morning
- Dry eye contact lens
- eye drop
You will also find a lot of information on related topics:
- Ophthalmology
- eye
- eye bags
- Eye infection
- Corneal inflammation
- Corneal opacity
- Reddened eyes - what helps?
- Remove bags under the eyes
A list of all the topics related to ophthalmology that we have already published can be found at: Ophthalmology A-Z